Health Insurance Coverage
Each year more and more health insurance plans cover acupuncture. Many individuals often believe they do not have any coverage and are pleasantly surprised when they find out they have coverage for some of our services.
Benefit verification can be tricky, so we are here to answer your questions and to advocate for you. When calling an insurance company, one must ask the right questions and have the correct diagnosis and procedure codes available. That's why at The Point Acupuncture, we make the verification process easy by verifying your benefits for you.
Call us today to find out which benefits your plan offers. We will be happy to go over your plan with you and share which of our services your insurance provider will cover. Our goal is to answer your questions so your decision to get the support and relief you're looking for is simple and easy.
Currently accepting the following Insurance Plans:
United Health
Approved VA Provider
Health Savings Accounts
"Out of Network" with all others
We now happily serve Veterans through the VA Choice Program! If you'd like more information about how to get acupuncture benefits through the VA call us at 407-948-0478 for more information.